Friday, September 14, 2007

On a heavenly day

I woke up this morning
and had my morning cuddles and forehead kisses
from ye 'old Folds Family...
We ate some delicious homemade apple coffee cake/bread of sorts
drank coffee
watched the To-dumb show with the french door swung open
so we could get in that cool, crisp morning breeze
The sun was shining and not a cloud in sight
it was
Exactly how every morning should be.

and when I get in my car.....
on the way to work
patty griffin's "Heavenly Day" is playing...

Exactly how it should be.

love you guys.


Such-Great-Heights said...

I whole-heartedly agree.

Fall mornings are part of the reason I get up....just to enjoy ones like today.

Damn...just realized we drank all the coffee already :-(

Kris said...

Fantastic morning.


You guys rock.