Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On my Happiness list

everyone else was doing it
so I thought I'd hop on board
I made my happiness list
While making it...
I thought...
"what are things I always do"
"what are things I never do"
I really hope to add to the list as days go by
should make for a great adventure

It did make me really think about the song Heavenly Day....
I have a very distinct association with that song....
in fact... I posted about it even
Probably one of my favorite posts...
And looking back...
more than Half of the things on my happiness list
happened on that One day.
That's a really special feeling...

In other news...
I gave my uncle the link to my blog so he could see my camping pictures
and he really enjoyed the last post I did....
He responded in an e-mail and ...I think i'd like to share because it ...
it was really pretty insightful

"That transcendence stuff....reminds me of a song I heard, "Hold on tight to your dreams." Fate has a way of altering dreams for some of us. Perhaps this is a purely male thing, or a Gatz thing, or a middle-class striving for equality thing. Can't quite figure it out, but I keep working on it. I feel like a new me is less driven to achieve and more excited about exploration. I hope the new one will eclipse the old. But gravity is a hard thing to overcome. After nearly 29 years of trying to climb an imaginary ladder, all I have learned is that I don't know how high one needs to climb, but the only real reason for gaining altitude is to gain some idea of where you want to go see above all the clutter. So, my time with the kids is waning and there are some adventures we need to pursue. In the meantime, I have some sled pulling to do myself while avoiding holes in the ice...but I need to set out and have more FUN with family and friends. "

....something to think about
certainly something to think about.

i cut my hair, for those of you who don't know.
just fyi...

1 comment:

Kris said...

That is one of my alltime favorite pictures. Thank you for giving me a picture for my office. It compliments the post-it's quite well.