Thursday, December 13, 2007

On Ears

my ear hurts.
making my head hurt.
making my attitude hurt.
which means that i'm hungry.
which makes me thirsty
and the more i drink, the more i drink.


sad ear = happy drinks?

in other news
for the first time in
8 months
i had the thought of
...i don't love my job.

its just all of a sudden gotten really
more stressful than I've been used to
on top of being finals week...

I need some golden arches in my life


Unknown said...

Don't worry- I'm sure the french fries made it better! I wouldn't know, but I can assume...hehe

Kris said...

sad ears=happy drinks?

I like your theory...

Such-Great-Heights said...

Was it school that made work less likeable? Or work itself?