This is probably how it should be.
aaaand to make mickey squirm...
...I found it hilarious.
aaaand for sake of nerd funny:
I ...feel as though I may have probably turned in some answers similar to that.
I know that I did answer some phil questions about a year ago with "I'm hungry"
and "the government and old people?"
and for when mickey gets a scooter
aaand a baby folds....or two
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
On Camping
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
9:55 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
On FemBASH records
Meet FemBASH,
a Misogynisic Record Company created by yours truly.
....Don't worry. Its a satire on today's record companies
and society.
get your beat on.
click here to view the FemBASH brand manual
I'm stoked that the project is over
but part of me might miss it.
...nah. It was sort of making me sick
everytime I had to work on the website and
do things like...write this blog post:
homework time.
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
6:45 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
On another Tribute
you know the drill:
Hey remember that time when we found a hubcap down in Des Moines
Hey remember that time when we tried to kill adam…with bananas
Hey remember that time when my favorite thing to do was steal things
Hey remember those months when we dominated trivia – so smart and pretty!
Hey remember that time when I wouldn’t read Kris’ books
Hey remember that other time when we’d have stbn weekly
Hey remember that time when I broke the bottle on your clean floor?
Gravity took over and you had to pick up the pieces with the vacuum.
I felt kinda bad.
only kinda bad.
Hey remember that time when we went to redwing
Hey remember that time when it ‘effing raaained the whole time
Hey remember that time we camped out anyway
Hey remember how I’m still broke?
I don’t care I just bum from my friends
Remember that time mickey did the polka?
Hey remember that time when we got mickey a new bike?
And there was that one time when we changed that girls spare tire
Wow we’re nice people
Nice people.
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
9:03 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
4:30 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
On Loss
in one week
my prof tripped over my computer's power cord and broke it.
I've concluded to the loss of my camera's battery charger
and..........and I lost a building in SketchUp.
Now...losing keys
forgetting money
losing sunglasses.....Okay.
yeah guys, I managed to lose a whole 10pm.
its okay, i ....made a new one fast-style.
In other news...
i miss the Folds Family...
This long of a vacation for them is ...simply not necessary
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
1:28 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
On a burnt up Turbine
My Friday at work...
I took off on an adventure to
Garner, Iowa.
I had earlier in the week put together
a power point slide that featured
an article about a Turbine that
had "fallen down and started fire"
It just so turns out that it was one
of our Loan Program Turbines...hmmmmm
Well, we best get a picture of THAT, then!
SO that's what I did. I headed to Garner...
The weather map (which i've gone over MULTIPLE
times on how it is disgracefully inaccurate....)
said that the clouds should be breaking up there at
around noon and the sun should come out.....
I guess I'll be optimistic here and say
that the cloud patterns at least made for some
really dramatic photographs.
Oh. and there were silos, everywhere.
But upon nearing Garner
I saw a wind farm to the west, in Goodell.
My logic was that...okay, this is rural Iowa, right,
so "Garner" could 15 miles
within some near gas station that's probably next to a bar
(it unfortunately wasn't, I later learned)
with a 1989 rusted out Bronco parked out front....
So I began the search....
for this ONE...
this ONE....... turbine that had caught fire....or broken.
Did it fall over? was I looking for an even bigger mystery
of a FALLEN turbine?
....guys. There are....hundreds
upon hundreds of these turbines out there.
field upon field of them. I'm not even joking.
From Goodell up past Garner.....turbine after turbine...
so I drove
and I drove
and finally nearing 2pm
(3 hours after I began this journey)
I found 'er.
Dear article writer of the Des Moines Register thing...
it didn't "fall and started a small fire" you fuck
it clearly had mechanical issues While running
which compromised its ability to hold the big ass blades up
and Then fell...
and my guess would be that it fell pretty hard.
It would have been Sweet to see...
I think....this may have been an important part...
but either way....
I felt Really good 1:53pm I said to myself
"okay, i'm only driving around until 2pm and then I'm done
I can't do this anymore, I'm heading home..."
and at 1:55pm I saw this......stick w/ a burnt top sticking up in the air.
I must say I stepped out of my car
to go walk right up to heart was RACING.
For multiple reasons.
1. Farmers are currently in full everyone and their mom
and son and daughter and cousin.....they're all outside
would someone come over to me and tell me I need to leave?
2. If there were a big gust of wind, would one of those remaining
metal chunks fly down on me??? I mean, even if it landed on my skull
and split my body in twain, I'm sure I'd still probably live,
I'm...freakin' invincible....but still! It was a scary, and I think rational, thought!
and 3.... its just ...eery. The whole...dramatic cloud situation
this...massive thing of....crap that had been on fire and me being
overly tired and hungry.....oh, and I had to pee.
Like...I was ready to pop-a-squat in the field and relieve myself,
it was that bad.
Okay. well.
I hope you enjoyed.
You're pretty privvy to get to see these pictures
I'm pretty sure they're copy-righted via the Iowa Energy Center...
but now that I credited them to the IEC i guess we're okay.
...whatever. I took the damn pictures!
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
10:29 AM
Labels: energy center, farm, fire, Garner, iowa, turbine, wind
Thursday, October 11, 2007
On the post you've been waiting for
It wasn't too long ago that we celebrated
With some LeftHanded brew
an apple cider mix
and one hell-of-a-spread to fill
our vacant stomachs
We were ready for anything...
Mickey greeted folks with her polkas
even taught a few steps.
Reggie and I...took care of that
apple cider...
and of some cherries
aaaand some Oktoberfest brews
aaaaaaaaaand some Hamms (what's a party w/o Hamms?)
Of course.....
Guitar Hero was also featured.
The next day we woke up and...
took a trip down to the good 'ole DSM.
There was a World Food Festival happening
and let me tell you...the dogs
the food
the ....
I think I'll go get a spring roll, thanks.
It was a pretty amazing afternoon
very relaxing,
And of course....
it may have only been...12 hours since
the OKTOBERFEST celebration
But ...what is a World Food thang
w/o a bar.
No was just the only place open
where else were we supposed to go?
While there, though.
We met up with two delightful ladies
they were nice and social
and certainly made our afternoons complete
So after some tomato based alcohol
a naked lady on the beach
some new friends
and delicious food
we made our way home...
for none other than the
Packers vs. Bears game
aaaand Wii playing.
...ThankYou Wii friends who I just
met at OKTOBERFEST, it was very enjoyable...
are there any leftovers?? I like leftovers.....
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
10:15 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
On ISU Cycling
The Blog
aaaand in other news
the funniest SNL skit in a while...
maybe not the funniest...
but the most quotable.
we've all enjoyed it
....i've enjoyed it TOO!
i said WHEEEEE!
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
1:05 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
On a Mad World
I had a dream the other night and I kept being asked this over
and over
and over and over
and over and over and over again.
what are you thinking about...
what are you thinking about...
what...are you....
thinking about......
what are you thinking about
*and as usual it ended with a BANG
And I never could answer.
It was never because it was anything earth shattering
it was always not wanting to take the energy
to just say it.
verbalize it.
But what the hell Am I usually thinking about?
usually its just convos in my head w/ myself
Sometimes they're funny
"remember that time when we went to Angie's kitchen...?"
sometimes not as much
I think that mostly.....its that moment in donnie darko
right before the jet engine *SPOILER*
crashes into his room in the last scene
but he crawls into bed and just laughs....
because he knows its coming, and...there's not much
else to do...
but laugh. at how surreal it is
and really, how funny it all turns out to be in the end
maybe funny isn't the word.....ironic. (don't you think?) (haha...alanis)
I don't know.......about minute 1:38
in other news...
I hate printing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
7:30 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
On family
hey hey
my cousin is coming to visit
not to visit me, but to get her award and stuff
I'm kinda excited
mostly because it means that my family is coming to visit!
Not even just the parental, but my aunt and uncle too
and who knows who else!
And its always good to get to see people.
Plus word on the street is that we have pretty
sweet tickets to the Homecoming football game...
not that we'll win or anything. but whatever.
Props to you Deeia...
I promise I won't muddy your reputation too much
by telling everyone about
where your clothes use...typefaces like...Curlz........ and....eww.
in other news:
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
10:34 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
we went camping y'know...
up in Redwing MN
it was Fantastic.
We got there a tad late, but no worries
we're pros at setting up tents by now
after all this and that
with a good fire going
and a few bruski's open
the moon was full and bright
we couldn't have asked for much more.
so to sleep we went.
In the morning
Mickey and myself caught some breakfast
while sitting there, whaddya know
the good 'ole that said
there was a weekend chance of rain at 30%.......
was 70% wrong.
As we enjoyed our eggs and whatnot
we sat, with the rain fly for the tent in the car rather than the tent,
hoping that it would just be a 5 minute passing
no worries. We got a hold of Nate
who transferred our goods into his tent
until we returned to fix things up.
Then it kept raining
and ...kept raining
but Nate and i decided to tough it out
there was a point when I said
"you know, this is stupid, right?"
He agreed...
we got rained out from mt. biking
but rode back to was enjoyable enjoyable as it can be in 45 degrees
pounding rain, and 25mph wind....
Don't worry
by the afternoon, after showering
and going back into town to wander and waste time...
we found the Mississippi river
and really...just....enjoyed being Away.
It was great
aaand Mickey apparently was telling Nate that...
"i was sittin there thinkin, and...and over there is Wisconsin!"
It really was a beautiful trip.
Despite not getting a chance to...ride much...
I still got some good video shots, and....
lets face it, some GREAT stories.
Thanks to all who went/came
You really made it what it was. :)
Posted by
Its dangerous business walking...
5:58 PM