Thursday, February 14, 2008

On Awkward Moments

my own
"This, I believe"

I was driving in my car and having some convos with a friend
who said something like
"hahaha I bet you could
make a trip and fall scene on a date look cool.....cause you're kt"
There is certainly truth to that is the topic of my very own "This, I believe"

I believe in the power of awkward, embarrassing moments.

Getting into the wrong car
wearing pants that the seat ends up ripping out of
leting loose an uncontrollable belch (well that one's just gross)
running out of gas while driving around
forgeting to do your hair in the morning
spilling your drink at dinner
forgeting your debit card/cash (that one is just smart...)
if going to a wedding or something out of town, forgetign the invitation w/ the address so you have a great reason to be 45 minutes late.
getting food stuck in your teeth while talking to someone
not cleaning out your eye crusties
singing loudly at at stop light and realizing that the people in the car next to you are watching you
finding yourself using hand gestures or phrases that you don't want to say but just keep coming out of your mouth
telling your boss that this design looks really ugly and then finding out that she ws the one who designed it. . .

These are all really ...
things deemed 'socially awkward' ...
things that if with another person, would possibly
make that other person question your...cultural stability.
Or at least add another notch to your 'dork meter'
and whether these things that happen are intentional or not,
we learn from them.
We might not learn something terribly valuable,
but it certainly ingrains the event into our memory!!
I don't think I'll Ever forget the one time I ran out of gas in my car!
It filles us with the sense of adventure and problem solving,
something that....for some, has been pushed to the wayside
with this whole...MTV generation thing.
And really, it says a TON about us as people.
How well do we take set-backs?
Plans that doesn't go perfectly?
Do we laugh it off? Turn it around to become even better?
Become tempermental and enraged?
And all in all - back to the running out of gas.....
I went up to a strangers house and they offered up
their lawn mower gasoline, enough to get me to where I needed...
Oh How I had forgotten how Good it feels to trust people!
And Oh how easy it is to forget how good-natured the general public is
-despite popular media tainted belief-

I believe that if we wouldn't be so protective of what the outside world sees in us
...we'd all know each other a little more.

So I ask you...have you done something awkward today?

1 comment:

BassetRancher said...

Great post! I can really relate to the splitting out your pants comment because, well, I've done that twice in the past month at work... Even now I can't stop laughing at the thought of sheer panic that first came into my mind and then the hilarity of the situation hit me! I know you probably don't care that I split my pants, but hey, you're the one that brought it up!